Sigrún Davíðsdóttir's Icelog

Ongoing OSP investigations in Luxembourg

with 5 comments

Staff of the Office of the Special Prosecutor is still at work in Luxembourg. According to Ruv, ten Luxembourg citizens have been questioned today. It would be interesting to know exactly what they are being questioned about but as reported earlier on Icelog, the topics relate to cases already known to be under investigation in Iceland.

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Written by Sigrún Davídsdóttir

April 19th, 2012 at 9:34 pm

Posted in Iceland

5 Responses to 'Ongoing OSP investigations in Luxembourg'

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  1. Let us hope they also look into what the administrator Mme Hamilius has been doing as some clients are being given an ultimatum which is completely different to the percentage demanded to other victims in their ultimatums.

    The whole thing is a Circus of creative acounting and fantasy.
    I hope the Icelandic team do a thorough job as too much of the fault for all this mess has been put on Iceland and none on Luxembourg.

    Rachael Williams

    20 Apr 12 at 10:20 am

  2. Hello,

    I like that “Circus of creative acounting and fantasy”.
    But don’t forget it is an Iceland investigation, not from Luxembourg and not on behalf of the Luxembourg Government or other authorities. But it is a big signal to Judges, Courts and the Jurisdiction inLUxembourg that there is something wrong. Now we have to lead the focus of their eyes on the fact that Hamilus is the top player in that game.
    In the last 3 weeks we, that biggest group of victims LLUX, have put effort in this and we are close to release the action we have prepared, solution incl.. If other victims will join us or only want to know what the action is call me 0033 – 494 76 32 33.
    Thank you Sigrun for you effort and cross your fingers.

    Thomas Mueller

    20 Apr 12 at 12:01 pm

  3. Interesting to see that the OSP has centred on 2/4 rue Beck in Luxembourg. This is also the address for Mme Hamilius, does this mean that her office is also under investigation as it most certainly should be as they are conducting their business as if they are above the law.

    Hopefully justice will at last be done and Landsbanki in liquidation should be seriously starting to worry about their strong arm tactics and validity of their claims against innocent investors in their illegal scams.

    Nina Foster

    21 Apr 12 at 10:19 am

  4. As far as I know, Mme Hamilius is not under investigation but only the operations of Landsbanki. The documents relating to Landsbanki Luxembourg are now housed at this address, 2-4 rue Beck. Since she is the administrator of the Landsbanki estate she and Landsbanki share the same address.

  5. You are right Sigrun. Mme Hamilius is not yet under investigation but it must be getting uncomfortable as administrator of Landsbanki Luxembourg these days.

    It can’t be easy to be treating the victims of the Bank as criminals whilst the Icelandic Fraud squad is raiding their Offices in Luxembourg with a search warrant and when the Paris criminal Court with the highest criminal Judge in France has condemned Landsbanki and they have LOST the Criminal Case,LOST the appeal and now LOST in the Criminal Supreme Court can it?

    Rachael Williams

    25 Apr 12 at 1:09 pm

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