Channel 4 on Kaupthing
The fact that the Tchenguiz brothers were arrested today in connection to the SFO investigation into Kaupthing has secured the attention in the UK media. I’ve done several interviews with various BBC channels today and appeared on Channel 4 news tonight.
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Let us hope the British Cover-up Whitewash team don’t Carry On Protecting the banks.
The British Government was VERY quick to attack Iceland for the Landsbanki and Kaupthing corruption and manipulation of the Bank’s liquidity or rather lack of it when they decided to plunder the British savers but WHY was this done with such amazing speed?
Did the British Government not turn a blind eye to the true and possibly illegal activities of a bank which was teetering on the edge of legality in 2006 before Icesave?
Did the British Government not hope that if the victims were payed back immediately, no questions would be asked and Iceland would foot the bill and blame?
Why was and is Luxembourg allowed to protect the Delinquence of the Banks by bringing out such banking laws as they did in 2005?
Why is Britian protecting Luxembourg?
Banking Laws that make the banks ‘unattakable’ no matter what they do to victims are surely not admissible in the EU?
Just look at what the Banks can get away with in the UK as they continue to throw taxpayers money at the Greedy, incompetent Bankers who get huge rewards for failure?
WHY was the BBC so fast to tell the viewers yesterday that the Tchenguiz brothers would be immediately released as they had done NOTHING ILLEGAL and the Police and legal teams were just putting on a show?
WHY is the BBC allowed to decide who is to be released and who has done something illegal, or are we to understand that these arrests in various contries are just a formality, to subdue public anger?
Are we to see the guilty Bankers and Governments punished or are we just watching a circus show whilst the innocent hard-working victims in Iceland, Britain, France, Spain, Portugal and other countries, lose their businesses, their homes and their live savings?
I think anyone who can get any of these incredible acts of REAL TERRORISM which the Bankers have so far got away with, into the media and the press should be applauded!
It is so easy for real Terrorism coming from high places, to be swept away, whitewashed and for the guilty to be ‘made innocent’ by trembling, obedient Judgesisn’t it? and the immense wealth of the guilty, .
The Greedy, incompetent BANKERS, not the Icelandic people, are the real Terrorists as they have destroyed the lives of more people than any other Terrorists in History.
Rachael Williams
10 Mar 11 at 8:59 am edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
The clip I watched from Channel 4 News failed to identify the author of this blog as an interviewee.
Not good enough.
10 Mar 11 at 12:14 pm edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
I hoping you get to see this eye-opening video as this is what is happening in Iceland and the UK and no one does anything to punish the Bankers.
We are lucky the BBC even reported on anything to do with Banks and fraud as so much has been done to keep facts and figures carefully out of the public eye and the Governments do not want us to know the extent of the frauds and greed.
This is so worth watching about William Black and his book, ‘THE BEST WAY TO ROB A BANK IS TO OWN ONE’.
Rachael Williams
10 Mar 11 at 1:10 pm edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
So many questions. A few answers:
>WHY was this done with such amazing speed?
Because otherwise assets could be transferred out of the UK. Having made that decision, you don’t give them warning.
>Did the British Government not turn a blind eye to the true and possibly illegal activities of a bank
With regards to Landsbanki, it wasn’t their responsibility to regulate the day-to-day actions of the bank. With regards to Kaupthing Edge, where it was, the judicial review showed that they were requiring Kaupthing to jump through various hoops before it collapsed.
>Did the British Government not hope that if the victims were payed back immediately, no questions would be asked and Iceland would foot the bill and blame?
Probably not. The depositors with Icesave and Kaupthing Edge were covered in full to stabalise the UK banking system. That was the key concern and would have happened whatever the Icelandic government’s actions. BTW, to be clear, Iceland is not on the hook for the entire amount of Icesave and for none of KE.
>WHY was the BBC so fast to tell the viewers yesterday that the Tchenguiz brothers would be immediately released as they had done NOTHING ILLEGAL and the Police and legal teams were just putting on a show?
Well, they are currently innocent. There were some pretty suspicious dealings, but it’s not for the BBC to try them.
10 Mar 11 at 4:02 pm edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
Thanks Bromley, for your reply to so many questions!
I can understand the speed from the British Government was necessary to freeze the assets, but why was the same speed not used to stop the Banks from setting up schemes to get British taxpayers to staunch the Banks liquidity crisis as it is clear that the Banks were in toruble as far back as 2005/6.
They needed liquidity fast and also assets to bake their Capital adequacy ratios and embroider their figures and ratings into a viable package when in fact they should probably not have been allowed to set up these schemes.
The packages they concocted were over dressed as the figures and ausits were baked, in order to mask the true situation from the public who were to become the victims.
This is where you can see the abysmal failure of the financial regulators who must surely have known that these Banks were barely operating above the legal liquidity ratio and that these clever schemes to get cash and assets, whould not have been allowed?
I think that we are in an era, especially in Britain,(perhaps following the American model)where it appears that there is growing confusion about what is legal, whot one turn a blind eye to, depending on the position and power of an individual and who is ‘innocent’ and who is guilty’.
Bankers have behaved worse than the Terrorists we have wars fighting and they have done far more damage across the globe, as most see it and yet they still reap hideous rewards for their failure and global destruction.
The Bankers are unpunished and the BBC should not be so quick to call individuals the Police have arrested, ‘innocent’, but should remain neutral rather than go out of their way to claim their ‘innocence’, in my opinion.
You did not answer my question as to why Britain is protecting Luxembourg, nor why the Luxembourg Courts, apparently with the help of Landsbanki’s lawyer, brought out the outrageous law in 2005 which make the banks “unattackable”, whatever they may have done?
Remember Bromley, that this Luxembourg law was brought out precisely when they knew full well that the Banking Circus was untenable and was inevitably in for short circuit!
These cunning ploys have brought the world to a terrible place whilst the bankers are laughing all the way to the bank and people lose their jobs, their homes, their lives and above all they lose their HOPE for the future they had worked so hard for.
The Banks are trying to fool us into believing the crisis brought them down when the truth is quite the opposite as most people see it and the Banks and their incompetent, irresponsable and selfishly greedy behaviour is the whole reason for this terrible financial crisis.
Rachael Williams
11 Mar 11 at 5:14 pm edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
>why was the same speed not used to stop the Banks from setting up schemes to get British taxpayers to staunch the Banks liquidity crisis as it is clear that the Banks were in toruble as far back as 2005/6.
A topical question! If you have a spare half hour, watch/listen to Sigrun’s interview of Alistair Darling last night. Well worth it. Coincidentally, Tony Shearer commented on it – he was very critical of the Kaupthing purchase of S&F. You may enjoy reading about his various (before the fact) warnings, although as a banker himself it may blur your battle lines
I personally think you’re going off the deep end with your bankers=terrorists thing, but each to their own. One thing that you’re flat-out wrong about is judgment by media. It’s one thing for people to express a personal opinion, or for the media to investigate and present facts, it’s quite another for them to call anyone who has not been convicted anything other than “innocent”.
BTW, IMO the problem in Iceland re. the banks was more to do with a business elite and their associated political connections, rather than the usual “greedy bankers”.
>You did not answer my question as to why Britain is protecting Luxembourg, nor why the Luxembourg Courts, apparently with the help of Landsbanki’s lawyer, brought out the outrageous law in 2005 which make the banks “unattackable”, whatever they may have done?
I have no knowledge of this one, so can’t comment.
11 Mar 11 at 5:51 pm edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
Bromley, I think Sigrun’s interview of Alstair Darling was excellent and I am linking it to many people as it is time well spent watching it, as you say.
Well done Sigrun!
I do however feel that Alistair Darling , even thought he was using very diplomatic language and treading carefully, was agreeing with me about the Bankers and the Iceland Government of the day.
It was very clear that they were being completely dishonest, giving false information to make the situation of the Banks look viable when they were probably below the legal limits since well before Icesave was so “brillintly” concocted and that they were therefore in the UK in order to plunder the British as best and as fast as they could so as to get their banks into a legal liquidity ratio.
The Banks were behaving like Terrorists IMO as they were being totally dishonest on an International scale and plundering other nations in order to bring home the loot.
Perhaps one could also say they were behaving like Pirates?
Anyway Governments must stop protecting the Bankers and the victims should not have to pay for the dishonesty and finacial crimes which they are getting way with.
You should look up the Luxembourg law of 2005 which was brought out when the banks were obviously heading downwards and draughted by the Bankers lawyers which made the Banks unattackable!
Quite extraordinary! Well worth looking at.
Rachael Williams
12 Mar 11 at 1:38 pm edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>