Sigrún Davíðsdóttir's Icelog

Sigurdur Einarsson: off the Interpol list and in Iceland

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Sigurdur Einarsson, Kaupthing’s ex-executive chairman no longer figures on the Interpol wanted list. His name was taken off the Interpol list on Tuesday. Yesterday, he arrived in Iceland and is now being interrogated by the special prosecutor. The investigation by the Office of the Special Prosecutor relates to alleged market manipulation, fraud and embezzlement.

As he arrived this morning at the OSP he said to the journalists waiting for him that due to having his name on the Interpol list he had been unable to travel and that it hadn’t been a pleasant experience. He said he didn’t know how long he would stay in Iceland and added that his conscience was clean. Noticeably slimmer than last time seen he arrived accompanied by his lawyer Gestur Jonsson who was the lawyer of Jon Asgeir Johannesson during the Baugur trials some years ago.

In May, some Kaupthing ex-managers were kept in custody, the longest for ten days, as the OSP investigated their statements. At the time, Einarsson was due to appear but allegedly changed his mind when he saw the treatment his collegues received. The OSP reaction was to have Einarsson put on the Interpol list. The has effectively meant that Einarsson was in involuntary custody in London where he lives.

The development at the OSP today and the coming days will be in the glare of the Icelandic media.

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Written by Sigrún Davídsdóttir

August 19th, 2010 at 10:16 am

Posted in Iceland

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