Iceland, Russia and Bayrock – some facts, less fiction
Contacts between Iceland and Russia have for almost two decades been a source of speculations, some more fancifully than others. The speculations have now again surfaced in the international media following the focus on US president Donald Trump and his Russian ties: part of that story involves his connections with Bayrock where two Icelandic companies, FL Group and Novator, are mentioned. Contrary to the rumours at the time, Icelandic expansion abroad up to the banking collapse in 2008 can be explained by less sensational sources than Russian money – but there are some Russian ties to Iceland.
“We have never seen businessmen who operate like the Icelandic ones, throwing money around as if funding was never a problem,” an experienced Danish business journalist said to me in 2004. From around 2002 to the Icelandic banking collapse in October 2008, the Icelandic banks and their largest shareholders attracted attention abroad for audacious deals.
The rumours of Russian links to the Icelandic boom quickly surfaced as journalists and others sought to explain how a tiny country of around 320.000 people could finance large business deals by Icelandic businesses abroad. The owners of one of Iceland’s largest banks, Landsbanki, father and son Björgólfur Guðmundsson and Björgólfur Thor Björgólfsson, had indeed become rich in Saint Petersburg in the 1990s.
The unequivocal answer on how the foreign expansion of Icelandic banks and businesses was funded came in the Special Investigative Commission Report, SICR, in 2010: the funding came from Icelandic and international banks; the Icelandic banks found easy funding on international markets, the protagonist were at the same time the banks’ largest shareholders and their largest borrowers.
The rumours of Russian connections have surfaced again due to the Bayrock saga involving US president Donald Trump and his relations to Russia and Russian mobsters. Time to look at the Icelandic chapter in the Bayrock saga and Russian Icelandic links.
The Bayrock saga
By now, there is hardly a media company in the world that has not paid some attention to Donald Trump and Bayrock, with a mention of the Icelandic FL Group and the Russian money in Icelandic banks and businesses. The short version of that saga is the following:
Tevfik Arif, born in Kazakhstan during the Soviet era, was a state-employed economist who turned to hotel development in Turkey in the 1990s before moving into New York property development where he founded Bayrock in 2001. As with many real estate companies Bayrock’s structure was highly complex with myriad companies and shell companies, on- and offshore.
Arif hired a Russian to run Bayrock. Felix Sater or Satter was born in Russia in but moved to New York as youngster with his family. In 1991 Sater was sentenced to prison for a bar brawl cutting up the face of his adversary with a broken glass. Having admitted to security fraud in cohort with some New York Mafia families in 1998 he was eventually found guilty but apparently got a lenient sentence in return for becoming an informant for the law enforcement.
In 2003, Arif and Sater were introduced to a flamboyant property developer by the name of Donald Trump, already a hot name in New York. One of their joint projects was the Trump Soho. The Trump connection did attract media attention. Apparently following a New York Times profile of Sater in December 2007, unearthing his criminal records, Arif dismissed Sater in 2008.
Bayrock and FL Group
By then, another scheme was brewing and that is where the Icelandic FL Group enters the Bayrock and Trump story. This part of the story has surfaced in court cases, still ongoing, where two ex-Bayrock employees, Jody Kriss and Michael Ejekam, are suing Bayrock for cheating them of profit inter alia from the Trump SoHo deal.
Their story details complicated hidden agreements whereby Arif and Sater, according to Kriss and Ejekam, essentially conspired to skim off profit from Bayrock, cheating everyone who entered an agreement with them. According to the story told in the court documents (see inter alia here) Bayrock entered an agreement with FL Group in May 2007: for providing a loan of $50m FL Group would get 62% of the total profits from four Bayrock entities, expected to generate a profit of around $227.5m.
The loan arrangement with FL Group did not make a great financial sense for Bayrock, again according to Kriss and Ejekam, but it was part of Arif and Sater’s scheme to cheat investors as well the US tax authorities. When Kriss complained to Sater that the $50m loan from FL Group was not distributed as agreed, Sater “made him (Kriss) an offer he couldn’t refuse: either take $500,000, keep quiet and leave all the rest of his money behind, or make trouble and be killed.” – Given Sater’s criminal record and threats he had made to another Bayrock partner Kriss left Bayrock.
The short and intense FL saga and its record losses
FL Group was one of the companies that formed the Icelandic boom. Out of many financial follies in pre-crash Iceland the FL Group saga was one of the most headline-creating. In 2002 Jón Ásgeir Jóhannesson, of Baugur fame, bought 20% in the listed air carrier Flugleiðir. In 2004 he teamed up with Hannes Smárason who with a degree from the MIT and four years at McKinsey in Boston had a stellar CV.
Smárason was first on the board until he became a CEO in October 2005. The duo oversaw the take-over of Flugleiðir, sold off assets and turned the company into an investment company, FL Group; inter alia FL Group was for a short while the largest shareholder in EasyJet.
In spring 2007, a group of investors led by Jóhannesson became the largest shareholder in Iceland’s third largest bank, Glitnir. Their Glitnir holding was through FL Group, consequently the bank’s largest shareholder.
At the beginning of 2007, the FL Group debt with the Icelandic banks amounted to almost €600m but had risen to €1.1bn in October 2008. Interestingly, its debt to Glitnir rose by almost 800%. As mentioned above, Jóhannesson and his business partners, among them FL Group, became Glitnir’s largest shareholder in spring 2007, following the pattern that the banks’ largest shareholders were also their largest borrowers.
FL Group – folly or a classic “pump and dump”?
By the end of 2007, 26 months after Hannes Smárason became CEO, FL Group had set an Icelandic record in losses: ISK63bn, now €660m, ten times the previous record, from 2006, incidentally set by a media company controlled by Jóhannesson.
Facing these stunning losses Smárason left FL Group in December 2007. The story goes that at the shareholders’ meeting where his departure was announced he left the room waving, saying “See you in the next war, guys” (In Icelandic: “Sjáumst í næsta stríði, strákar).
There are endless stories of staggering cost and insane spending related to the FL Group boom and bust. Interestingly, a large part of the losses stemmed from consultancy cost for projects that never materialised. Smaller investors lost heavily and in hindsight the question arises if the FL saga was a folly or some version of a “pump and dump.” Smárason was charged with embezzlement in 2013, acquitted in Reykjavík District Court but the State Prosecutor’s appeal was thrown out of the Supreme Court due to the Prosecutor’s mistakes.
FL Group never recovered from the losses and was delisted in the spring of 2008 and its name changed to Stoðir. FL Group never went into bankruptcy but its debt was written off. A group of earlier FL Group managers (Smárason is not one of them) now owns over 50% of Stoðir.
FL Group and the Icelandic Bayrock
Part of FL Group’s eye-watering losses was the Bayrock adventure. FL Group set up a company in Iceland, FL Bayrock Holdco, financed by the Icelandic mother company. Already in 2008 the FL Group Bayrock was a loss-making enterprise, its three FL Bayrock US companies were written off with losses amounting to ISK17.6bn, now €157m. When the Icelandic FL Bayrock finally failed in January 2014 Stoðir (earlier FL Group) was more or less the only creditor, its claims amounting to ISK13bn; no assets were found.
According to the Kriss-Ejekam story, FL Group willingly and knowingly took part in a scam. When I approached a person close to FL Group, he maintained the investment had not been a scam but just one of many loss-making investments, not even a major investment, compared to what FL Group was doing at the time.
An FL Group investor told me that he had never even heard of the Bayrock investment until the Trump-related Bayrock stories surfaced. He expressed surprise that such a large investment could have been made without the knowledge of anyone except the CEO and managers. He added however that this was perhaps indicative of the problems in FL Group: managers making utterly insane and ill-informed decisions leading to the record losses.
Bayrock and Novator
Another Icelandic company, mentioned in the Kriss-Ejekam case is Novator, which was offered to participate in Bayrock. There is a whole galaxy of Novator companies, inter alia 19 in Luxembourg, encompassing assets and businesses of Björgólfur Thor Björgólfsson.
This, according to court documents (emphasis mine):
During the early FL negotiations, Bayrock was approached by Novator, an Icelandic competitor of FL’s, which promised to go into the same partnership with Bayrock as FL was contemplating, and at better terms. Arif and Satter told Kriss that this would not be possible, because the money behind these companies was mostly Russian and the Russians behind FL were in favor with Putin, but the Russians behind Novator were not, and so they had to deal with FL. Whether or not this was true and what further Russian involvement existed must await disclosure.
This is the clause that has yet again fuelled speculations of Russian dirty money in the Icelandic banks and Icelandic companies. As stated in the last sentence this is however all pure speculation.
The story from the Novator side is a different one. In an email answer to my query, the spokeswoman for Björgólfsson wrote that Bayrock approached Novator Properties, which considered the project far from attractive. Following some due diligence Novator concluded that the people involved were not appealing partners, which led Novator to decline the invitation to participate.
The origin of rumours of corrupt Russian connections to Iceland
Towards the end of 2002 the largest Icelandic banks and their main shareholders were already attracting foreign media attention. Euromoney (paywall) raised “Questions over Landsbanki’s new shareholder” in November 2002 focusing on the story of the father and son Björgólfur Guðmundsson and Björgólfur Thor Björgólfsson, who with their business partner Magnús Þorsteinsson struck gold in Saint Petersburg in the 1990s and were now set to buy over 40% of privatised Landsbanki.
The two businessmen, the Brit Bernard Lardner and his Icelandic partner Ingimar Ingimarsson, who in the mid 1990s had hired the three Icelanders to run their joint Saint Petersburg venture, were less lucky. In 2011 Ingimarsson published a book in Iceland, The Story that Had to be Told, (Sagan sem varð að segja), where he tells his side of the story: how father and son through tricks and bullying took over the Lardner and Ingimarsson venture, essentially the story told in Euromoney in 2002 (see earlier Icelog).
In June 2005, Guardian’s Ian Griffith wrote an article on the Icelandic businessmen Björgólfsson and Jón Ásgeir Jóhannesson, ever more visible in the London business community, asking where the Icelandic “Viking raiders” as they were commonly called got their money from, hinting at Russian mafia money. The quick rise to riches, wrote Griffith, exposed the Icelanders to “the persistent but unsubstantiated whispering that the country’s economic miracle has been funded by Russian mafia money rather than growth and liberalisation.”
As Griffith points out, Björgólfsson and his partners were operating in Saint Petersburg, “the city regarded as the Russian mafia capital. That investment was being made in the drinks sector, seen by the mafia as the industry of choice.
Yet against all the odds, Bravo went from strength to strength.
Other St Petersburg brewing executives were not so fortunate. One was shot dead in his kitchen from the ledge of a fifth-floor window. Another perished in a hail of bullets as he stepped from his Mercedes. And one St Petersburg brewery burned to the ground after a mishap with a welding torch.
But the Bravo business, run by three self-confessed naives, suddenly found itself to be one of Russia’s leading brewers. In under three years it became the fastest-growing brewer in the country. It secured a 17% market share in the St Petersburg region and 7% in the Moscow area. It was selling 2.5m hectolitres of beer a year in 2001 and heading for 4m when Heineken of the Netherlands stepped in to buy it for $400m in 2002. Heineken said one of the reasons for the Bravo purchase was the absence of any corruption.”
Björgólfsson has always vehemently denied stories of his alleged links to the Russian dark forces and Ingimarsson’s story. Billions to Bust and Back, published in 2014, is Björgólfsson’s own story of his life. The book has not been published in Iceland.
The Icelandic miracle exposed: international banks and “favoured clients”
During the Icelandic boom years Griffith was not the only one to question how the tiny economy of tiny Iceland could fund the enormous expansion of Icelandic banks and businesses abroad. The Russian rumours were persistent, some of them originating in the murky London underworld, all to explain this apparently miraculous growth. Most of this coverage was however more fiction than facts (the echo of this is found in my financial thriller, Samhengi hlutanna, which takes place in London and Iceland after the collapse, published in Iceland in 2011; English synopsis.)
The Icelandic Special Investigative Commission Report, SICR, published in April 2010, convincingly answered the question where the money came from: “Access to international financial markets was, for the banks, the principal premise for their big growth,” facilitated by their high credit ratings and Iceland’s membership of the European Economic Area, EEA. As to the largest shareholders the SICR concluded: “The largest owners of all the big banks had abnormally easy access to credit at the banks they owned, apparently in their capacity as owners… in all of the banks, their principal owners were among the largest borrowers.”
The story told in the SICR is how the Icelandic banks essentially ran a double banking system: one for normal bank clients who got loans against sound collaterals and loan contracts with normal covenants – and then another system for what I have called the “favoured clients,” i.e. the largest shareholders and their business partners.
The loans to the “favoured clients” were on very favourable terms, mostly bullet loans extended as needed, often with little or no collateral and light covenants. The consequence was that systematically, these clients profitted but if things went wrong the banks shouldered the losses. – In recent years, some of these abnormally favourable loans have sent around twenty bankers to prison.
The real Russian connections in Iceland
Although the Icelandic expansion abroad can be explained with less exciting facts than Russian Mafia and money laundering, there are a few tangible Russian contacts to Iceland: Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin did show an interest in Iceland at a crucial time, just as in Cyprus in 2013; Alisher Usmanov had ties to Kaupthing; the Danish lawyer Jens Peter Galmond, famous for his Leonid Reiman connections, and his partner Claus Abildstrøm did have Icelandic clients and Mikhail Fridman gets a mention.
At 4pm Monday 6 October 2008 prime minister and leader of the Independence party (conservative) Geir Haarde addressed Icelanders via the media: the government was introducing emergency measures to deal with the banks in an orderly manner. Icelanders sat glued to their tv sets struggling to understand the meaning of it all.
Haarde’s last words, “God bless Iceland,” brought home the severity of the situation. Icelanders had never heard head of government bless the country and never heard of measures like the ones introduced. The speech and the emergency Act it introduced came to be seen as the collapse moment – the three banks were expected to fail and by Wednesday 8 October they had all failed indeed.
An elusive Russian loan offer
The next morning, 7 October 2008 as Icelanders woke up to a failing financial system, the then governor of the Icelandic Central Bank, CBI, Davíð Oddsson, an earlier leader of the Independence Party and prime minister, told the still shocked Icelanders that all would be well: around 7am Victor I. Tatarintsev the Russian ambassador in Iceland had called Oddsson to inform him that the Russian government was willing to lend €4bn to Iceland, bolstering the Icelandic foreign reserves.
According to the CBI press release the loan would be at 30-50bp above Libor and have a maturity of three to four years. Later that day another press release just stated that representatives of the two countries would meet in the coming days to negotiate on “financial issues” – no mention of a loan.
According to Icelog sources, the morning news was hardly out when the CBI heard from news agencies that Russian minister of finance Alexei Kudrin had denied the story of a Russian loan to Iceland; indeed the loan never materialised though some CBI officials did fly out to Moscow a week later.
There have of course been wild speculations as to if the offer was real, why Kremlin was ready to offer the loan and then why Kremlin did, in the end, not stand by that offer.
Judging from Icelog sources it seems no misunderstanding that Tatarintsev mentioned a loan to Oddsson. As to why Kremlin – because that is where the offer did come from – wanted to lend or at least to tease with the offer is less clear though there is no lack of undocumented stories.
One story is that some Russian oligarchs did have money invested in Iceland. Fearing their funds would be inaccessible they pulled some strings but when they realised their funds were not in danger they lost interest in helping Iceland and so did Kremlin. Another explanation is that Kremlin just wanted to tease the West a bit, make as if it was stretching its sphere of interest further west. Yet another story is that a European minister of finance called his Russian counterpart telling him to stay away from Iceland; the European Union, EU would take care of the country.
Iceland found in the end a more conventional source of emergency funding: by 19 November 2008 it had secured $2.1bn loan from the International Monetary Fund, IMF.
Russia, Iceland and Cyprus
In 2013, Russia played the same game with Cyprus: it teased Cyprus with a loan. The difference was however that the Russian offer to Cyprus did not come as a surprise: Russia had long-standing and close political ties to the island. Russian oligarchs and smaller fries had for years made use of Cyprus as a first stop for Russian money out of Russia. At the end of 2011, Russia had lent €2.5bn to Cyprus. However, the crisis lending did not materialise, any more than it had in Iceland (see my Cyprus story).
The international media reported frequently that the EU and the IMF were reluctant to assist Cyprus because these organisations were irritated by the easy access of Russian funds to and through the island’s banks. A classified German report was said to show how Cyprus had been a haven for money laundering (if that report did indeed exist Germans could and should have used the same diligence to check their own Deutsche Bank!)
After the 2008 collapse in Iceland a credible source told me he had seen a US Department of Justice classified report on money laundering stating that Icelandic banks were mentioned as open to such flows. Given the credibility of the source I have no doubt that the report exists (though all my efforts to trace it have failed). I have however no idea if that report was thoroughly researched or not nor in what context the Icelandic banks were mentioned.
Kaupthing and Usmanov
Some Icelandic banks did have clients from Russia and the former Soviet Union. The only one mentioned in the SICR, is the Uzbek Alisher Usmanov. He turned to Kaupthing in summer of 2008 when he was seeking to buy shares in Mmc Norilsk Adr. According to the SICR the bank also sold Usmanov shares in Kaupthing – by the end of September 2008 he owned 1.48% in the bank.
I am told that Usmanov was not Kaupthing client until in the summer of 2008 (earlier Icelog). Funding was generally drying up but Kaupthing was keen on the connection as it was planning to branch out to Russia and consequently looking for Russian connections.
If Usmanov’s shareholding in Kaupthing comes as surprise it is important to keep in mind that part of Kaupthing’s business model was to lend money to clients to buy Kaupthing shares. This was no last minute panic plan but something Kaupthing had been doing for years.
This model, which looks like a share-parking scheme, is a likelier explanation for Usmanov’s stake in Kaupthing rather than a sign of Usmanov’s interest in Kaupthing. A Kauphting credit committee minute from late September 2008, leaked after the collapse, shows that Kaupthing had agreed to lend Usmanov respectively €1,1bn and $1.2bn. According to Icelog sources the bank failed before the loans were issued.
Fridman, Exista and Baugur/Gaumur
There are two Icelandic links to Mikhail Fridman, through Kaupthing and the investment bank Straumur. Its chairman, largest investor and eventually largest borrower was Björgólfur Thor Björgólfsson.
By 1998, Kaupthing was operating in Luxembourg. In June that year, a Luxembourg lawyer, Francis Kass, appeared twice on the same day as a representative of two BVI companies, Quenon Investments Ltd and Shapburg Ltd, both registered at the same post box address in Tortola. His mission was to set up two companies, both with names linked to the North: Compagnie Financiere Scandinave Holding S.A. and Compagnie Financiere Pour L’Atlantique du Nord Holding S.A. The directors were offshore service companies, owned by Kaupthing or used in other Kaupthing offshore schemes.
These two French-named companies, founded on the same day by the same lawyer, came to play major roles in the Icelandic boom until the bust in October 2008. The former was for some years controlled by Kaupthing top managers until it changed name in 2004 to Meiður and to Exista the following year. By then it was the holding company for Lýður and Ágúst Guðmundsson who became Kaupthing’s largest shareholders, owning 25%. In 2000, the latter company’s name changed to Gaumur. Gaumur was part of the Baugur sphere, controlled by Jón Ásgeir Jóhannesson.
The owners of Exista and Baugur were dominating forces in the years when Icelandic banks and businesses were on their Ikarus flight.
Apart from the UK, the Icelandic business expansion abroad was most noticeable in Denmark. Danish journalists watched with perplexed scepticism as swaggering Icelanders bought some of their largest and most eye-catching businesses. In Iceland, politicians and business leaders talked of Danish envy and hostility, claiming the old overlords of Iceland were unable to tolerate the Icelandic success. They were much happier with the UK press that followed the Icelandic rise rather breathlessly.
In 2006 the Danish tabloid Ekstra bladet wrote a series of articles again bringing up Russian ties. Part of the coverage related to the two Krass companies: Quenon and Shapburg have also set up Alfa companies, part of Mikhail Fridman’s galaxy of on- and offshore companies.
The Danish articles were translated into English and posted on the internet. Kaupthing sued the Danish tabloid, which was forced to retract the articles in order to avoid the crippling costs of a libel case in an English court.
JP Galmond – the fixer who lost his firm
An adversary of Fridman, with Icelandic ties, figures in a long saga where also Usmanov plays a role: the Danish lawyer, Jeffrey Peter Galmond. – Some of the foreign fixers who have worked for ex-Soviet oligarchs have in some cases lost their lives under mysterious circumstance. JP Galmond lost his law firm. His story has been told in the international media over many years (my short overview of the Galmond saga).
Galmond was one of the foreign pioneers in St Petersburg in the early 1990s where he soon met Leonid Reiman, manager at the city’s telephone company. By the end of 1990s many foreign businessmen had learnt there was not a problem Galmond could not fix. Reiman went on to become a state secretary in 1999 when Boris Jeltsin made his Saint Petersburg friend Vladimir Putin prime minister.
By 2000 the Danish lawyer had turned to investment via IPOC, his Bermuda-registered investment fund. The following year he bought a stake in the Russian mobile company Megafon. Soon after the purchase Mikhail Fridman claimed the shares were his. This turned into a titanic legal battle fought for years in courts in the Netherlands, Sweden, Britain, Switzerland, the British Virgin Islands and Bermuda.
In 2004 Galmond’s IPOC had to issue a guarantee of $40m to a Swiss court in one of the innumerable Megafon court cases. The court could not accept the money without checking its origin. An independent accountant working for the court concluded that the intricate web of IPOC companies sheltered a money-laundering scheme. In spring of 2008 IPOC was part of a criminal case in the BVI. That same spring, the Megafon battle ended when Alisher Usmanov bought IPOC’s Megafon shares.
The Megafon battle exposed Galmond as a straw-man for Leonid Reiman who was forced to resign as a minister in 2009 due to the IPOC cases. In 2007, Galmond was forced to leave his law firm due to the Megafon battle; his younger partner Claus Abildstrøm took over and set up his own firm, Danders & More, in 2008.
Galmond’s Icelandic ties
In spite of the international media focus on Galmond, he and his partner Claus Abildstrøm enjoyed popularity among Icelandic businessmen setting up business in Copenhagen. An Icelandic businessman operating in Denmark told me he did not care about Galmond’s reputation; what mattered was that both Galmond and Abildstrøm understood the Icelandic mentality and the need to move quickly.
Already in 2002, Abildstrøm had an Icelandic client, Birgir Bieltvedt, a friend and business partner of both Björgólfur Thor Björgólfsson and Jón Ásgeir Jóhannesson. In 2004 Abildstrøm assisted Bieltvedt, Jón Ásgeir Jóhannesson and Straumur investment bank, where Björgólfsson was the largest shareholder, to buy the department store Magasin du Nord, where Abildstrøm then became a board member.
In 2007, when the IPOC court cases were driving Galmond to withdraw from his legal firm, the Danish newspaper Børsen reported that among Galmond’s clients were some of the wealthiest Icelanders operating in Denmark, such as Björgólfur Thor Björgólfsson and Jón Ásgeir Jóhannesson.
In his book, Ingimar Ingimarsson claimed that Galmond acted as an advisor to Björgólfsson. According to an Icelog source Galmond represented a consortium led by Björgólfsson’s father Björgólfur Guðmundsson when they bought a printing press in Saint Petersburg in 2004. Björgólfsson has denied any ties to Galmond and to Reiman but has confirmed that Abildstrøm has earlier worked for him.
Alfa, Pamplona Capital Management and Straumur/Björgólfsson
Pamplona Capital Management is a London-based investment fund, which in late 2007 entered a joint venture, according to the SICR, with Straumur, an investment bank where Björgólfur Thor Björgólfsson was the largest shareholder, chairman of the board and Björgólfsson-related companies were eventually the largest borrower (SICR).
In 2005 Pamplona had bought a logistics company, ADR-HAANPAA, operating in the Nordic countries, the Baltics, Poland and Russia. In 2007 Straumur provided a loan of €100m to refinance ADR in a structure where Pamplona owned 80.8%, Straumur 7.7% and ADR managers the rest.
Pamplona was set up in 2004 by the Russian Alexander Knaster, who as a teenager had immigrated to the US with his parents. Knaster was the CEO of Fridman’s Alfa Bank from 1998 until 2004 when he founded Pamplona, partly with capital from Fridman. Knaster has been a British citizen since 2009 and has, as several other Russian billionaires living in the UK, donated money, £400.000, to the Conservatives.
Incidentally, Pamplona shares the same London address as Novator, Björgólfsson’s investment fund, according to Companies House data: 25 Park Lane is one of London’s most attractive business addresses.
The Icelandic business model: corrupt patterns v “time is money”
Big banks such as Wachovia and Citigroup have been fined for facilitating money laundering for Mexican gangs. Deutsche Bank as been fined recently for doing the same for Russians with ties to president Trump. All of this involves violating anti-money laundering rules and regulations and this criminal activity has almost invariably only been discovered through whistle-blowers. Since large international banks could get away with laundering money, could something similar have been going on in the Icelandic banks?
The Icelandic Financial Supervisor, FME, was famously lax during the years of the banks’ stratospheric growth and expansion abroad. One anecdotal evidence does not inspire confidence: during the boom years an Icelandic accountant drew the attention of the police to what he thought might be a case of money laundering in a small company operating in Iceland and offshore. The police seemed to have a very limited understanding of money laundering other than crumpled notes literally laundered.
However, the banking collapse set many things in motion. The failed banks’ administrators, foreign consultants and later experts at the Office of the Special Prosecutor have scrutinised the accounts of the failed banks landing some bankers and large shareholders in prison. I have never heard anyone with plausible insight and authority mention money laundering and/or hidden Russian connections.
I do not know if it was systematically investigated but some of those familiar with the failed banks would know that money laundering, though of course hidden, leaves a certain patterns of transactions etc. But most importantly, the banks’ operation in Luxembourg, where in the Kaupthing criminal cases the dirty deals were done, have not been scrutinised at all by Luxembourg authorities.
The Icelandic businessmen most active in Iceland and abroad were famous for two things: complex structures, not an Icelandic invention – and buying assets at 10-20% higher prices than others were willing to offer.
As one Danish journalist asked me in 2004: “Why are Icelanders always willing to pay more than the asking price?” The Icelandic businessmen explained this by “time is money” – instead of wasting time to negotiate pennies or cents it paid off to close the deals quickly, they claimed.
Paying more than the asking price, exorbitant consultancy fees, sales at inexplicable prices to related parties and complicated on- and offshore structures are all known characteristics of systematic looting, control fraud and money laundering – and there are many examples of all of this from the Icelandic boom years. But these features can also be the sign of abysmally bad management.
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The district, which takes in a closely Black stretch of North Carolina’s rural north as well
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● Former Gov. Ruth Ann Minner, who in 2000 grew to become the first girl elected to
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22 Aug 23 at 9:13 am edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
Apple has deployed out-of-date terminology because the “3.0” bus ought to now be referred to as “3.2 Gen 1” (up to 5 Gbps) and the “3.1” bus “3.2 Gen 2” (up to 10 Gbps). Developer Max Clark has now formally announced Flock of Dogs, a 1 – 8 player on-line / native co-op expertise and I’m a bit of bit in love with the premise and style. No, you may not deliver your crappy previous Pontiac Grand Am to the native photo voltaic facility and park it of their entrance lawn as a favor. It’s crowdfunding on Kickstarter with a purpose of $10,000 to hit by May 14, and with nearly $5K already pledged it should simply get funded. To make it as straightforward as attainable to get going with friends, it is going to supply up a particular in-built “Friend Slot”, to allow someone else to affix you thru your hosted recreation. Those evaluations – and the way in which corporations deal with them – can make or break an enterprise. There are also options to make a few of the brand new fations your allies, and take on the AI collectively. There are two forms of shaders: pixel shaders and vertex shaders. Vertex shaders work by manipulating an object’s position in 3-D house.
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19 Sep 23 at 1:53 pm edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
To make a CD clock, you’ll need a CD, quite a lot of artwork provides (no need to purchase something new, you need to use no matter you’ve gotten around your home) and a clock movement or clockwork, which you should purchase on-line or at a crafts retailer. Whether meaning pushing fake “cures” like Mercola and Elizabeth, their very own “secret” insights just like the Bollingers and Jenkins, or “alternative health” like Ji and Brogan, these folks have something to sell. Mercola is far from alone in promoting deadly lies for a buck. These folks aren’t pushing conspiracy theories primarily based on compounded lies as a result of they consider them. Erin Elizabeth, who created multiple lies about the safety of both the COVID-19 vaccine and flu vaccine while promoting hydroxychloroquine-along with anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. However, the opinion that the $479 MSRP is a bit too high is shared throughout a number of reviews. Fox News cited studies of a stand-down order no fewer than eighty five times during prime-time segments as of June 2013. As the brand new report-which the Republican majority of the committee authored-makes very clear in its findings, nevertheless, no such order ever existed. In a new report launched on Tuesday, the House Armed Services Committee concludes that there was no approach for the U.S.
Shawn Tedesco
19 Sep 23 at 6:15 pm edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
You do not even need a pc to run your presentation — you may simply switch files directly from your iPod, smartphone or different storage system, point the projector at a wall and get to work. Basic is the phrase: They both run Android 2.2/Froyo, a really outdated (2010) operating system that’s used to run one thing like a flip cellphone. The system divides 2 GB of gDDR3 RAM, running at 800 MHz, between games and the Wii U’s operating system. They permit for multi-band operation in any two bands, together with seven-hundred and 800 MHz, in addition to VHF and UHF R1. Motorola’s new APX multi-band radios are actually two radios in one. Without an APX radio, some first responders must carry a couple of radio, or rely on info from dispatchers earlier than proceeding with vital response activities. For more info on cutting-edge products, award a while to the links on the subsequent web page.
Brittney Perrier
19 Sep 23 at 7:02 pm edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
OnStar’s Stolen Vehicle Assistance might help police cease automotive thieves earlier than chases begin. When coupled with an inner scheduling system, homeowners can steadiness customer needs and worker satisfaction. Many companies assist their products by way of a customer service department. Before leaving home, we advise you to test our social media pages for service updates. For more data on in case your vehicle is considered to be a van or a automobile, examine the checklist of permitted automobiles. There’s a chance that your confirmation e-mail may be marked as spam so please test your junk or spam e-mail folders. Phone bookings are only for people who do not need an email address or the web. Kent County Council residents who need to visit a site with a van, should e book a go to to a household waste and recycling centre in Kent. You want to go to the Kent County Council web site to guide a visit to a Kent household waste and recycling centre.
Hope Bickford
19 Sep 23 at 7:24 pm edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
The G-Slate runs on the Android 3.Zero (Honeycomb) working system, and it was one among the first tablets to do so.
As evidence, you will see twin-core tablets from them quickly.
What you will not see in the original Kindle’s specs:
complaints about its awkward, too-delicate buttons and bizarre visual aesthetics.
The usual N64 controller has 14 buttons plus an analog joystick.
As we mentioned beforehand, a lot of the Craig tablet
units have built-in Wi-Fi, plus audio, gaming, pictures, video and eReader capabilities.
Craig Electronics Inc. The corporate markets a spread of tablets — 10
in line with its Web site and plenty of for less than $a
hundred — however prices differ widely by distributor and type of tablet.
We’ll take a look at some specifications and features of some of
the tablets if you’d like to compare them or give one a strive.3 inches (10.9 centimeters) to 10 inches (25.Four centimeters) in size,
Craig tablets supply a lot of the same options as their higher-finish counterparts, in addition to choices for storage, velocity and multi-media capabilities.
19 Sep 23 at 8:28 pm edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
ATM skimming is like identification theft for debit playing cards: Thieves use hidden electronics to steal
the non-public info saved on your card and file your PIN quantity to entry all that
arduous-earned money in your account. If ATM skimming is
so critical and excessive-tech now, what dangers will we face with
our debit and credit score playing cards sooner or later?
Mobile credit card readers let clients make a digital swipe.
And, as safety is all the time an issue in terms of sensitive credit
card info, we’ll discover a few of the accusations that
rivals have made in opposition to other merchandise.
If the motherboard has onboard video, attempt to take away the video card fully and boot
utilizing the onboard model. Replacing the motherboard generally requires replacing the heatsink and
cooling fan, and will change the type of RAM your
laptop needs, so you could have to perform a little research to see what
elements you will need to buy in this case.
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20 Sep 23 at 1:34 am edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
The district, which takes in a heavily Black stretch of North Carolina’s rural north in addition to some Raleigh exurbs, would have voted 51-forty eight for Joe Biden, compared to Biden’s 54-forty five margin in Butterfield’s present district, the first. But the trendlines here have been very unfavorable for Democrats, and Butterfield may very nicely lose in a tricky midterm environment. Note that the map has been completely renumbered, so we have put together our greatest evaluation of the place each present incumbent might search re-election at this hyperlink, while statistics for previous elections could be discovered on Dave’s Redistricting App. So, if you’re a homeowner, you may rent out a single room or two to strangers, even whereas the home remains to be occupied. ● Former Gov. Ruth Ann Minner, who in 2000 grew to become the primary woman elected to function governor of Delaware, has died at the age of 86. Minner was a legislative staffer when she first gained a seat in the state House in 1974 as an area model of that year’s “Watergate infants”-reform-minded Democrats elected within the wake of Richard Nixon’s resignation. GOP lawmakers sought to pack as many Democrats as potential into simply three ultra-Democratic districts primarily based in Charlotte (the 9th) and the area identified because the Research Triangle (the fifth in Raleigh and the sixth in Durham/Chapel Hill).
Joesph Gottlieb
20 Sep 23 at 5:27 am edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
Most London marathoners reap the rewards of their race in the type of a foil blanket, race medal and finisher’s bag, full with sports activities drink and a Pink Lady apple. Once the race is run, marathoners can compare results over a pint at any of the eighty one pubs located along the course. They check their race results on-line, interested to know how they positioned in their age classes, but most compete for the enjoyable of it or to lift cash for charity. Next, let’s try an app that is bringing greater than three decades of survey experience to fashionable cell electronics. I have three in use working three separate operating methods, and half a dozen or so extra in storage throughout the house. House followers have remained unchanged for what seems like perpetually. And, as security is always an issue when it comes to sensitive credit card data, we’ll explore among the accusations that rivals have made towards other merchandise. The first thing you’ll want to do to protect your credit is to be vigilant about it. That release sold 400,000 copies in the first month alone, and when Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim picked it up in syndication, their ratings went up 239 p.c.
Freddy Gladden
20 Sep 23 at 6:32 am edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
Should you submit footage of your family and couple that with data like, “my husband is out of city this weekend” or “little Johnny is old enough to remain at house by himself now,” then your kids’s safety could be at risk. On Facebook, users can ship personal messages or post notes, photographs or videos to another user’s wall. You might submit something you discover innocuous on Facebook, however then it is linked to your LinkedIn work profile and you’ve got put your job at risk. You say one thing along the lines of, “We don’t need to worry because we financial institution with a teacher’s credit score union,” or even, “We put all our cash into blue chip stocks and plan to ride it out.” Again, if you are one the forty % who permit open entry to your profile, then immediately id thieves know the place you financial institution and where you may have the bulk of your investments.
Felipa Pflaum
20 Sep 23 at 7:29 am edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
Reviews for the RX 6700 XT have started to pop up online, displaying us the true-world efficiency offered by the $479 card. Cloud/edge computing and deep learning drastically improve performance of semantic understanding systems, the place cloud/edge computing provides versatile, pervasive computation and storage capabilities to assist variant applications, and deep learning fashions could comprehend textual content inputs by consuming computing and storage useful resource. With each tech advancement, we expect greater efficiency from the expertise we purchase. Identity theft and card fraud are main issues, and some expertise specialists say certain readers are extra safe than others. While these fashions work relatively well on commonplace benchmark datasets, they face challenges within the context of E-commerce the place the slot labels are more informative and carry richer expressions. State-of-the-artwork approaches deal with it as a sequence labeling downside and adopt such fashions as BiLSTM-CRF. Our mechanism’s technical core is a variant of the web weighted bipartite matching problem the place unlike prior variants by which one randomizes edge arrivals or bounds edge weights, we may revoke beforehand dedicated edges. Our mannequin allows the vendor to cancel at any time any reservation made earlier, through which case the holder of the reservation incurs a utility loss amounting to a fraction of her value for the reservation and may also obtain a cancellation price from the seller.
Rosaline Nugan
20 Sep 23 at 10:25 am edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
While food trucks may conjure up psychological pictures of a “roach coach” visiting building websites with burgers and sizzling dogs, these mobile eateries have come a long way prior to now few years. What’s extra, he says, the model of Android on these tablets is definitely more common and fewer restrictive than variations you would possibly discover on tablets from, for instance, massive carriers in the United States. True foodies would not be caught dead at an Applebee’s, and with this app, there isn’t any need to kind by an inventory of big chains to find real native eateries. Besides, in the true auction environment, the variety of candidate advertisements and the variety of advertising positions within the public sale are comparatively small, thus the NP-arduous problem of full permutation algorithm will be tolerated. And if you would like an actual problem, you may attempt to build a hackintosh — a non-Apple pc operating the Mac operating system. There are lots of different quick-term jobs you are able to do from the web. There are many video playing cards to choose from, with new ones popping out on a regular basis, so your greatest bet is to verify audio/visible message boards for tips on which card is finest suited to your objective.
Wyatt Warrick
20 Sep 23 at 10:50 am edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
Tom Carper as his running-mate throughout his profitable campaign for governor and served as lieutenant governor for eight years. Tom Winter, who’d reportedly been contemplating a bid, stated this week that he’ll run for Montana’s new 2nd Congressional District. ● Atlanta, GA Mayor: Former Mayor Kasim Reed conceded in his comeback bid to once once more run Atlanta on Thursday, falling just short of the second slot for the Nov. 30 runoff. ● MT-02: Former state Rep. The 35th is open as a result of Democratic Rep. She later rose to the state Senate, then in 1992 was tapped by Rep. So far, the only particular person running for this safely blue seat in Austin is Democratic Rep. Democrats presently control each the state House and Senate and will nearly certainly stay in charge on this solidly blue state that voted for native son Joe Biden 59-forty last 12 months. ● NH Redistricting: New Hampshire Republicans have released a draft congressional map that, as they’ve been promising since they re-took control of state government last year, gerrymanders the state’s two House seats to make the 1st District significantly redder. Despite the loss, many Democrats-and progressive activists in particular-will be pleased to see Sweeney gone, particularly since the occasion retained management of both chambers of the legislature in Tuesday’s elections.
Effie Maclean
20 Sep 23 at 11:19 am edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
They anticipate to offer full entry to Google Play quickly. If you’re bent on getting a full-fledged tablet expertise, with entry to every raved-about app and all the bells and whistles, a Nextbook probably is not the only option for you. Pure sine wave inverters produce AC power with the least quantity of harmonic distortion and may be the only option; however they’re also sometimes the most expensive. Not to worry. This article lists what we consider to be the 5 greatest options for listening to CDs in your car in case you solely have a cassette participant. So listed below are, in no particular order, the highest five options for taking part in a CD in your automobile should you solely have a cassette-tape player. Whether you are talking about Instagram, Twitter or Snapchat, social media is a trend that is here to remain. Davila, Damina. “Baby Boomers Get Connected with Social Media.” idaconcpts. Some kits come complete with a mounting bracket that permits you to fasten your portable CD participant securely within your vehicle. Perhaps the most effective technique for listening to a CD participant in a automobile without an in-sprint CD participant is by the use of an FM modulator.
April Hagenauer
20 Sep 23 at 2:08 pm edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
Cooper talked to UCR in September about the intricacies of his stage show and his excitement to resume touring after more than a 12 months off the road as a result of coronavirus pandemic. For common diners, it’s an ideal option to find out about new eateries in your space or discover a restaurant when you are on the road. Using the operate of division into categories, you’ll be able to easily discover something that will fit your style. But DVRs have two major flaws — you must pay for the privilege of utilizing one, and you are stuck with no matter capabilities the DVR you buy happens to include. This template is appropriate for any operating system, subsequently, utilizing this template is as straightforward as booking a lodge room. Therefore, it’s perfectly suitable for the design of a weblog software. Therefore, not only the furnishings needs to be snug, but in addition the application for its buy.
Enrique Gracia
20 Sep 23 at 2:31 pm edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
They anticipate to offer full access to Google Play soon. If you’re bent on getting a full-fledged pill experience, with access to every raved-about app and all the bells and whistles, a Nextbook probably isn’t the only option for you. Pure sine wave inverters produce AC power with the least quantity of harmonic distortion and may be the best choice; but they’re also usually the most expensive. Not to worry. This text lists what we consider to be the 5 greatest choices for listening to CDs in your automobile if you happen to solely have a cassette player. So listed here are, in no particular order, the highest five options for enjoying a CD in your automotive if you happen to solely have a cassette-tape participant. Whether you are speaking about Instagram, Twitter or Snapchat, social media is a trend that is right here to remain. Davila, Damina. “Baby Boomers Get Connected with Social Media.” idaconcpts. Some kits come complete with a mounting bracket that allows you to fasten your portable CD player securely within your car. Perhaps the simplest methodology for listening to a CD player in a vehicle with out an in-sprint CD player is by means of an FM modulator.
Adrian Easterby
20 Sep 23 at 2:37 pm edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
Reviews for the RX 6700 XT have started to pop up online, displaying us the real-world efficiency offered by the $479 card. Cloud/edge computing and deep studying drastically improve performance of semantic understanding methods, the place cloud/edge computing offers versatile, pervasive computation and storage capabilities to support variant applications, and deep studying fashions may comprehend textual content inputs by consuming computing and storage useful resource. With every tech development, we anticipate higher performance from the technology we buy. Identity theft and card fraud are major issues, and some expertise specialists say certain readers are extra secure than others. While these fashions work comparatively properly on standard benchmark datasets, they face challenges in the context of E-commerce the place the slot labels are extra informative and carry richer expressions. State-of-the-art approaches treat it as a sequence labeling downside and undertake such fashions as BiLSTM-CRF. Our mechanism’s technical core is a variant of the web weighted bipartite matching drawback the place not like prior variants wherein one randomizes edge arrivals or bounds edge weights, we could revoke previously committed edges. Our model permits the vendor to cancel at any time any reservation made earlier, through which case the holder of the reservation incurs a utility loss amounting to a fraction of her worth for the reservation and may also receive a cancellation payment from the vendor.
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19 Oct 23 at 2:03 am edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
Known simply because the “daisy advert,” the minute-lengthy slot was created by the advertising agency Doyle, Dane and Bernback on behalf of President Lyndon Johnson, who was seeking re-election towards Republican Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater in 1964. It begins with somewhat girl counting petals on a daisy, and the camera step by step zooms in toward her pupil, which reflects a mushroom-cloud explosion. The novel trick worked, and Benton narrowly won re-election. Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney gained the Florida Republican major in part on account of a wave of attack adverts in opposition to his rivals. Moreover, the truth that a major chunk of that money straight flowed to political assault ads additionally factors to a longstanding — though reviled — tradition of going destructive with the intention to get candidates elected to workplace. With thought USA tablets, nonetheless, you get a truly universal version of Android. Perl says students, small businesses and price-conscious consumers make up the majority of thought tablet consumers.0, which is also referred to as Ice Cream Sandwich. That runs contrary to the usual pill feeding frenzy, during which new and improved models from behemoth corporations are met by widespread media reports. Savvy social media managers know that there is a plethora of ways to harvest great feedback from customers, and that there are plenty of paths to unfavorable feedback, too.
Melodee Cutler
19 Oct 23 at 7:22 am edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
Cooper talked to UCR in September concerning the intricacies of his stage present and his pleasure to resume touring after more than a 12 months off the street because of the coronavirus pandemic. For regular diners, it is an ideal technique to find out about new eateries in your area or find a restaurant when you’re on the road. Using the function of division into classes, you possibly can simply find one thing that will suit your taste. But DVRs have two main flaws — it’s a must to pay for the privilege of using one, and you are stuck with whatever capabilities the DVR you purchase occurs to include. This template is acceptable for any working system, therefore, using this template is as simple as booking a lodge room. Therefore, it’s completely appropriate for the design of a blog software. Therefore, not only the furnishings must be snug, but additionally the applying for its purchase.
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The Wii U makes use of inside flash memory for storage. There’s additionally a sync button for wireless controllers, and a small panel beneath the disc drive pops open to reveal two USB 2.0 ports and an SD card slot for expandable storage. Wii Remote, a house button for the Wii OS, a power button, and a Tv button (extra on that later). A single printed Zagat restaurant information for one city costs practically $16 retail and would not have the option to contribute your personal feedback on the touch of a button. Another option is the Intuit GoPayment, from the same company that makes QuickBooks accounting software program. The identical news junkies who used to show to 24-hour cable information to get by-the-minute updates have now defected to the Internet for second-by-second information. The GamePad can basically perform like a giant Wii Remote, because it makes use of the identical technology. While the faster processor contained in the Wii U offers it the ability to run more complex games, the real modifications within the console are all centered on the new GamePad controller. Much like the PlayStation, the CPU in the N64 is a RISC processor.
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19 Oct 23 at 10:54 pm edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
Surpris, Ichigo l’est une seconde fois lorsque Zaraki lui explique que son Zanpakuto n’a pas d’autre forme,
son niveau d’énergie spirituelle lui suffisant pour mettre
à mal ses adversaires.
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19 Oct 23 at 11:57 pm edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
AMC, the little community that would, proved it was competitive with larger, extra skilled networks when “Mad Men” and “Breaking Bad” won Emmy after Emmy. The award can also be a badge of honor for smaller networks. One vital thing to look for in a video seize card is the power to accept an MPEG-2 transport stream in each DBV and ATSC, sometimes known as digital hardware playing cards. It might look strange, however the introduction of the Dyson Air Multiplier means house fans will never be the same. That means we know prematurely the outlined class classification (intent). That’s the simplest technique to know that the cardholder is the true proprietor of the card. If you are contacted by a merchant or collection company about an unpaid bill that you realize you should not be charged for, do not simply grasp up. Middle-of-the-highway motherboards: Ranging in worth from $50 to $100, these are one step up from the cheap motherboards. The increase in temperature additionally makes it simpler for the person molecules in a water droplet to overcome their attraction to one another and transfer from a liquid to a fuel state.
Leonor Magarey
20 Oct 23 at 12:30 am edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
Cooper talked to UCR in September in regards to the intricacies of his stage present and his excitement to resume touring after greater than a year off the highway as a result of coronavirus pandemic. For common diners, it’s an incredible approach to study new eateries in your space or find a restaurant when you’re on the highway. Using the operate of division into categories, you can simply discover one thing that can suit your taste. But DVRs have two major flaws — you need to pay for the privilege of utilizing one, and you’re caught with no matter capabilities the DVR you purchase happens to include. This template is acceptable for any operating system, subsequently, using this template is as straightforward as booking a resort room. Therefore, it is perfectly appropriate for the design of a blog software. Therefore, not only the furniture must be snug, but also the applying for its purchase.
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20 Oct 23 at 1:34 am edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
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20 Oct 23 at 8:19 am edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
Note that the Aivo View is one more dash cam that can’t appear to extrapolate a time zone
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other sprint cams have handled the identical situation better.
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20 Oct 23 at 9:20 am edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
12, 2007, the Give 1 Get 1 (G1G1) program allowed U.S. As of September 2007, about 7,000 laptops were being examined by children world wide. The OLPC Foundation aims to provide these laptops to hundreds of thousands of kids throughout the developing world so as to enhance their education and their quality of life. The XO laptop computer’s design emphasizes cheap, durable building that may survive quite a lot of climates and the rigors of the developing world. The 12 months 2009 confirmed us plenty of different innovations, including low cost, efficient ways to trace your physical exercise and higher ways to cool down after a run, too. As you move all through the day, Fitbit tracks how much physical exercise you performed. Because the Fitbit works greatest for walking movement and is not waterproof, you cannot use it for activities reminiscent of bicycling or swimming; nevertheless, you can enter these activities manually in your online profile. For those who plan to observe HD, you’d most likely use an HDMI connection, although part, S-Video or VGA are also possibilities, depending on your particular system. More laptops should be obtainable for sale in the future, and extra creating nations shall be in a position to use to affix the G1G1 plan.
Etta Michel
20 Oct 23 at 1:35 pm edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
Software might be discovered on-line, but might also come with your newly purchased arduous drive. You can even use LocalEats to book a taxi to take you residence when your meal’s completed. Or would you like to use a graphics card on the motherboard to maintain the price and dimension down? But it is worth noting that you’re going to easily find Nextbook tablets for sale online far beneath their instructed retail worth. But in case you simply want a pill for mild use, together with e-books and Web surfing, you would possibly find that one of those fashions matches your life-style very well, and at a remarkably low price, too. Customers in the United States use the Nook app to search out and download new books, whereas these in Canada have interaction the Kobo Books app as an alternative. Some packages use a dedicated server to ship programming data to your DVR computer (which should be related to the Internet, in fact), whereas others use an online browser to access program information. Money Scam Pictures In ATM skimming, thieves use hidden electronics to steal your private information — then your exhausting-earned cash. You private participant is simpler to tote, can be saved securely in your glove box or under your seat when you aren’t within the car and as an added benefit, the smaller system won’t eat batteries like a larger growth field will.
Roseanna Ashkanasy
20 Oct 23 at 8:37 pm edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
Way over a video game console, the Xbox 360 is a total media center that allows customers to play, network, rip, stream and obtain all varieties of media, together with high-definition motion pictures, music, digital footage and sport content. The Lytro’s capacity to take “dwelling photos” represents a tremendous step forward in the field of pictures. The small, rectangular machine is a digital camera that photographs the complete discipline of mild around an object. The machine has a excessive payout share much like other slots by Aristocrat. The builders at Aristocrat Technologies have given good consideration to element when designing the Pompeii slot machine. Like other Aristocrat slot video games Pompeii or the Buffalo that use the Reel Power know-how, the Pompeii slot machine gives 243 successful lines for gamers. The jackpot is worth 12,500 coins and will get triggered during the utmost wager spins if you hit five Amulets on any of the 243 paylines which have been lively. Since every spin leaves you with 243 methods to hit the jackpot, the possibility of profitable the highest prize on this slot machine is commonly increased than in other games.
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Chang Secombe
21 Oct 23 at 7:19 am edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
Following the eruption of the volcano in 79 Ad, the city was destroyed
as molten lava and ash clouds burned Pompeii to the ground, leaving solely fragments of a once thriving region.
Republicans also chopped up the Sandhills, a politically swingy area that features Fayetteville and rural counties to its west
and south along the state’s border with South Carolina which have
giant Black and Native populations (particularly the Lumbee tribe).
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21 Oct 23 at 9:40 am edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
The Fitbit merges present products into a brand new suite of tools which will aid you get into better bodily form. If you’ll be able to fit it into your routine, Fitbit will take the guesswork out of tracking your exercise and eating behaviors. It doesn’t take too much technical knowledge, and when you’re executed, you’ll have a flexible, expandable DVR that will not add to your monthly cable invoice. They don’t are likely to have as much storage space as exhausting drives, and they are costlier, but they allow for a lot faster knowledge retrieval, resulting in better software efficiency. In that spirit, if you have just crawled out from beneath the proverbial rock and are wondering whether Frodo ever does get that ring into Mount Doom, the reply is (spoiler): Sort of. Users can create any sort of buying list they’d like — footwear, gifts, handbags, toys. The wiki contains pages on topics like unbiased film, comedian e-book-based motion pictures and blockbusters. A single all-in-one sheet comprises enough detergent, softener and anti-static chemicals for one load of laundry. While you drop the sheet into your washer, it releases detergent designed to help clear your clothes, whereas one other ingredient softens supplies.
Elisa Moloney
21 Oct 23 at 9:45 am edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
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21 Oct 23 at 1:55 pm edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
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An organization called Natural Machines lately unveiled a 3-D printing machine referred to as the Foodini, which can print ravioli pasta.
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Navigating Legal Challenges in Alger Heights: The Sam Bernstein Law
In the vibrant city of Grand Rapids, having a seasoned car accident attorney is crucial.
The Sam Bernstein Law Firm proudly serves neighborhoods such as Alger Heights and Auburn Hills, providing essential
legal support for residents facing challenges on the road.
Located in Grand Rapids since 1850, the firm has become
a pillar of legal expertise in a city with a rich history.
With a population of 197,416 residents across 79,009 households, Grand Rapids is intricately connected by the major
highway I-96, ensuring seamless access to neighborhoods like Alger Heights.
Legal repairs, especially in car accident cases, can vary in Grand Rapids.
The Sam Bernstein Law Firm, strategically positioned in the heart of the city, offers comprehensive legal services tailored to the unique needs of residents, ensuring personalized attention for each case.
Grand Rapids boasts an array of points of interest, from the family-friendly AJ’s Family Fun Center to the picturesque Ah-Nab-Awen Park.
Residents can enjoy the city’s attractions while having a reliable
legal partner in The Sam Bernstein Law Firm.
Choosing The Sam Bernstein Law Firm in Alger Heights is choosing a legacy of legal
excellence dating back to 1850. With a commitment to providing top-notch
legal services, the firm ensures residents facing car accident challenges have unparalleled
support in the ever-evolving legal landscape of Grand Rapids.
“Legal Expertise in Downtown Grand Rapids: The
Sam Bernstein Law Firm
In the heart of Downtown Grand Rapids and surrounding neighborhoods, The Sam Bernstein Law Firm stands as a beacon of legal expertise.
As a trusted car accident attorney, the firm caters to the unique legal needs of residents in neighborhoods like Baxter and Black Hills.
Established in Grand Rapids in 1850, The Sam Bernstein Law
Firm has played a vital role in the city’s legal
landscape. Grand Rapids, with a population of 197,416 residents in 79,009 households,
is intricately connected by the major highway I-96, ensuring easy access to neighborhoods such as Downtown and East Hills.
Legal repairs, particularly in car accident cases, can vary in Grand Rapids.
The Sam Bernstein Law Firm, strategically located in Downtown, offers specialized legal services tailored to residents’ specific
needs, ensuring a comprehensive and personalized
approach to each case.
Downtown Grand Rapids is a hub of activity, with attractions like the
iconic Blandford Nature Center and the vibrant Briggs Park.
Residents can explore the city’s charm while having a reliable legal
partner in The Sam Bernstein Law Firm.
Choosing The Sam Bernstein Law Firm in Downtown Grand Rapids is choosing a legacy of legal excellence dating back to 1850.
With a commitment to providing top-notch legal services, the firm ensures residents facing car
accident challenges have unwavering support in the ever-evolving legal landscape of
Grand Rapids.
“Supporting Legal Needs in Eastown: The Sam Bernstein Law Firm
In the eclectic neighborhood of Eastown and its adjacent communities,
The Sam Bernstein Law Firm offers unwavering support for legal challenges, especially in car accident cases.
Established in Grand Rapids in 1850, the firm caters to the unique legal needs of residents in neighborhoods like Eastgate and Eastmont.
Grand Rapids, a city with a vibrant history, is
home to 197,416 residents living in 79,009 households. Connected by the major highway I-96,
the city ensures seamless access to neighborhoods such as Eastown and Fuller Avenue.
Legal repairs, particularly in car accident cases, can vary in Grand Rapids.
The Sam Bernstein Law Firm, strategically positioned in Eastown, offers specialized legal services tailored
to residents’ specific needs, ensuring a comprehensive and personalized approach for each case.
Eastown is known for its unique charm, with points of interest like the lively Eastown and the scenic Fuller Park.
Residents can explore the city’s character while having a reliable legal partner
in The Sam Bernstein Law Firm.
Choosing The Sam Bernstein Law Firm in Eastown is choosing
a legacy of legal excellence dating back to 1850.
With a commitment to providing top-notch legal services, the firm ensures residents facing car accident challenges have steadfast support in the ever-evolving legal landscape of
Grand Rapids.
“Navigating Legal Challenges in Gaslight Village: The Sam Bernstein Law Firm
In the charming Gaslight Village and its neighboring communities,
The Sam Bernstein Law Firm serves as a reliable partner in legal matters, particularly in car accident cases.
Established in Grand Rapids in 1850, the firm caters to the unique
legal needs of residents in neighborhoods like Fulton Heights
and Garfield Park.
Grand Rapids, a city steeped in history, is home to 197,416 residents living in 79,009 households.
Connected by the major highway I-96, the city ensures seamless access to neighborhoods such as Gaslight Village and Garfield Park.
Legal repairs, especially in car accident cases, can vary in Grand Rapids.
The Sam Bernstein Law Firm, strategically located in Gaslight Village, offers specialized legal services tailored to residents’ specific needs, ensuring a comprehensive and personalized approach
for each case.
Gaslight Village is known for its distinctive character, with points of interest like the picturesque Cherry Park and
the lively Canal Park. Residents can enjoy the city’s ambiance while having a steadfast legal partner in The Sam
Bernstein Law Firm.
Choosing The Sam Bernstein Law Firm in Gaslight Village is choosing a legacy of legal excellence dating back to 1850.
With a commitment to providing top-notch legal services, the firm ensures residents
facing car accident challenges have unwavering support in the
ever-evolving legal landscape of Grand Rapids.
“Legal Excellence in Creston: The Sam Bernstein Law Firm
Nestled in the vibrant Creston neighborhood and its surrounding communities, The Sam Bernstein Law Firm is a
beacon of legal expertise, especially in matters related to car accidents.
Established in Grand Rapids in 1850, the firm caters to
the unique legal needs of residents in neighborhoods like Downtown and East Hills.
Grand Rapids, a city with a rich history, is home to 197,416 residents living in 79,009
households. Connected by the major highway I-96, the
city ensures seamless access to neighborhoods such as Creston and Fuller Avenue.
Legal repairs, particularly in car accident cases, can vary in Grand Rapids.
The Sam Bernstein Law Firm, strategically positioned in Creston, offers specialized legal services tailored to residents’ specific needs, ensuring a comprehensive and personalized approach for each case.
Creston is known for its lively atmosphere, with points of interest like
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19 Sep 24 at 11:05 am edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
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19 Sep 24 at 2:16 pm edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
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20 Sep 24 at 2:19 am edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
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20 Sep 24 at 3:04 am edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
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20 Sep 24 at 5:23 am edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
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20 Sep 24 at 5:46 am edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
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20 Sep 24 at 7:32 am edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
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20 Sep 24 at 9:35 am edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
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20 Sep 24 at 12:13 pm edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
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21 Dec 24 at 5:04 pm edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
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